
My newest update brings even more hope for a quick recovery. I will start off with the bad and finish with the good.

Last week Ray had a few complications, while taking his vitals they noticed he had a fever. Which fever most of the time means infection, something we didn’t want. When the doctors took him to the OR on Thursday they discovered the infection and were treating it by cleaning it out and with antibiotics.

Ray was taken off the Ketomen. The Ketomen is a painkiller which kept knocking Ray out. He would sleep most of the day and when he was awake he was groggy. SO this only means we actually get to enjoy his company when we are there. He is awake and alert.

Our cousins Dave (Marine), Bonnie and Harmon (our future marine) drove down to see Ray. Harmon and all his friends made cards for Ray they are all soooo beautiful. Ray was really happy to see them. They had a great visit on Saturday.

The doctors advised Ray his nutrients was low and if he didn’t eat enough they were putting a tube in his nose. I think this warning was just enough because Ray not only ate but we believe ate too much. He ended up with pains in his stomach. So the doctors gave the order of no more food or drink intake until they can find out what was causing it. Sunday came and they did more xrays, and diagnosed it just as air bubbles, (he ate too much too fast). Mom made him French toast since he was starving. While she was doing that the Physical Therapist came in and he did some therapy. I was amazed by his leg movements and how much control he had. He even was doing crunches. Everyone is saying how well he is recovering. In one week alone his legs look so much better. His right leg is now closed and the doctors say during surgery today they were starting to close up his left leg and start preparing for his skin grafts. The sooner this happens the sooner he gets his prosthetics.

Bryce and his mother stopped in Sunday afternoon to visit, Ray loves visitors. Bryce told Ray if he plans in the future to help other Marines he should read this book and gave him a beautiful Marine’s Bible. Ray’s future plans include NOT getting medically discharged but to stay active duty and become a Marine Liaison. Who better to help Marines and their families, then someone like Ray who has gone through all of this!

Well, Ray’s Birthday is this Wednesday, the 25th. I can’t believe my little brother is going to be 21!!!! Dad and I are driving down there to celebrate with him. Nadia is planning on having a party on Saturday at the hospital including all the staff and patients by handing out cupcakes!! So hopefully we can make it extra special this year despite the situation!!!

Thanks for everyone's continued Thoughts and Prayers!!! God is hearing them all!! Without all this his recovery could be a lot worse!


Unknown said...

hey, my name is jimmy glenn. i really want to say im glad that ray is doing better i was really worried. so if you can let him know that we are all praying for him here everyday.

Elena said...

Hello, I'm Aunt Kit and Uncle Lou's niece. My mom has kept me up to date with Ray's progress. I pray for Ray and his family.
Stay strong Ray and happy 21st birthday.

Grandmom Sandy said...

I am so pleased that Ray has chosen to stay in and help other Marines facing such horrible injuries. He will be an inspiration and this could be his Ministry. The souls he will be able to reach for the Lord is endless. Let's face it working for the Lord is having the best boss anyone could ask for.
God Bless You Ray.
"Grandmom Sandy:
P.S. the pay may not be too high but the perks will be heavenly.

Anonymous said...

Hello Ray,
Have placed you on my
prayer list for healing.
I'm happy that you get to
go home for the weekend.
Will be mailing you a
card over the weekend.
God bless you Ray.