Last week Ray had a few complications, while taking his vitals they noticed he had a fever. Which fever most of the time means infection, something we didn’t want. When the doctors took him to the OR on Thursday they discovered the infection and were treating it by cleaning it out and with antibiotics.
Ray was taken off the Ketomen. The Ketomen is a painkiller which kept knocking Ray out. He would sleep most of the day and when he was awake he was groggy. SO this only means we actually get to enjoy his company when we are there. He is awake and alert.
Our cousins Dave (Marine), Bonnie and Harmon (our future marine) drove down to see Ray. Harmon and all his friends made cards for Ray they are all soooo beautiful. Ray was really happy to see them. They had a great visit on Saturday.
The doctors advised Ray his nutrients was low and if he didn’t eat enough they were putting a tube in his nose. I think this warning was just enough because Ray not only ate but we believe ate too much. He ended up with pains in his stomach. So the doctors gave the order of no more food or drink intake until they can find out what was causing it. Sunday came and they did more xrays, and diagnosed it just as air bubbles, (he ate too much too fast). Mom made him French toast since he was starving. While she was doing that the Physical Therapist came in and he did some therapy. I was amazed by his leg movements and how much control he had. He even was doing crunches. Everyone is saying how well he is recovering. In one week alone his legs look so much better. His right leg is now closed and the doctors say during surgery today they were starting to close up his left leg and start preparing for his skin grafts. The sooner this happens the sooner he gets his prosthetics.
Bryce and his mother stopped in Sunday afternoon to visit, Ray loves visitors. Bryce told Ray if he plans in the future to help other Marines he should read this book and gave him a beautiful Marine’s Bible. Ray’s future plans include NOT getting medically discharged but to stay active duty and become a Marine Liaison. Who better to help Marines and their families, then someone like Ray who has gone through all of this!
Well, Ray’s Birthday is this Wednesday, the 25th. I can’t believe my little brother is going to be 21!!!! Dad and I are driving down there to celebrate with him. Nadia is planning on having a party on Saturday at the hospital including all the staff and patients by handing out cupcakes!! So hopefully we can make it extra special this year despite the situation!!!
Thanks for everyone's continued Thoughts and Prayers!!! God is hearing them all!! Without all this his recovery could be a lot worse!
Ray had a bad/good weekend!! I didn’t get a chance to go down until Sunday so part of this blog is from my sister, Nadia, who spent Friday and Saturday with him.
When I came into his room on Friday for the first time in a week I noticed how swollen he was. His face and chest were so swollen that I had a hard time believing that it was him. I told the nurses that the swelling on his sides where the chest tubes used to be did not look normal to me. I thought that maybe there was something going on. He was alert and talking to us, not tired at all. Well it ended very quickly when the Nurse accidentally slightly pulled out his tube to the catheter. He screamed and yelled and was in so much pain. He was so upset that this happened for THE SECOND TIME. Later that night one of his Doctors came in (I think it was infection specialist) and saw the swelling that I was talking about. He said he had orders for another doctor to come look at it and never got a report back. So he scheduled a CT for the next morning to find out what was happening inside of his chest. I stayed with him till about 12:30 in the morning and then went back to the fisher house and went to sleep. I relieved Sherri the next morning and he was pretty much out of it after breakfast and the entire afternoon. I fed him pancakes and some eggs. We drenched his pancakes in some VERMONT MAPLE SYRUP that one of his friends had sent to him.
After breakfast, ( Or I should say five bites ) Ray fell asleep and stayed pretty much out of it until his CT scan around 3:00.
My cousin Louie and Rebecca came with me to see Ray on Sunday morning. Aunt Kit, Uncle Lou, Jimmy and Amanda came down a little later. When we got to his room he had 4 other visitors (4* General and 3 others) so we waited in the hall until they were done. I sat and listened to how alert he was. I guess that is what visitors do for him. Well he was happy to see Louie & Rebecca, in fact when the nurse came in to ask what level was he at for pain 1 to 10 he said 1. This was the first time he said that I was soooo excited. He said this must be a good omen, he was happy, awake, laughing, not tired and NO pain. He told them it must be them. We actually got to spend like 4 hours with him in this shape. It was wonderful, I was kind of dreading it before getting there because of what Nadia experienced but it was the complete opposite. THANK GOODNESS!!!! When lunch came Ray didn’t want it he said Chuck was making him lunch, and he wanted to save his appetitie for that. Chuck (my oldest brother) was cooking him Chicken Fajitas at the Fisher House and was going to bring it up later.. Ray joked about all the blankets he received, I told him I was taking them home with me! He said all but the one that was signed I could. The one that was signed was given to him on the flight from Iraq to Germany. Then he showed us the Phillies cap Nina bought for him, he said it was the best hat he has, don’t mind him he hasn’t been watching tv much!!! LOL. Louie asked him to arm wrestle for it, Ray said no way! Pastor Gary came in and was excited to see Ray so awake and joking. He tried Ray’s hat on and told him he wanted it, Ray said he couldn’t have it either. Pastor Gary told him there was ways around for him to get Ray to say he could keep it, Ray told him that would be called stealing and since he is a man of God that it wouldn’t be right. We all laughed. Pastor Gary said he could video tape him giving permission so it would be ok. Ray told him he didn’t even look good in the hat and that he looked like Gomer Pyle. As Pastor Gary was leaving he stuck the cap in the back of his pants like he was “stealing” it and Ray was swooshing his hands around staying stop him stop him, Uncle Lou grabbed the cap and gave it back to Ray and Ray said Thank God for Uncle Lou.
So I have learned this weekend my brother loves his American flag blanket, his Phillies camo cap and chocolate covered pretzels everything else he will share.
Well he was in good spirits but I think we wore him out because he slept for the rest of the day. Monday he was going to be in surgery. His right leg is all sewn up and almost ready for prosthetics, they are still working on his left leg, but the drs. and nurses are hoping to get him in a wheelchair soon!!! Keep your fingers crossed and prayers going!!!
Before I forget (not likely, but) Ray got his Purple Heart. As soon as I scan the pictures they will also be posted. I will get more info, but I believe a 4 star General presented it to him. Donna said it was very emotional! We are all proud of him even before he got his Purple Heart!
Lastly for this post, I just want to thank everyone for all the wonderful cards and gifts, Ray’s room is definitely the best decorated. The Drs. and nurses are amazed by our support, so thanks again!
Thanks AGAIN and ALWAYS for the thoughts and prayers for my brother and our family! I will be driving back tomorrow night to spend the 4th of the July with my personal heroes my brother, my Dad and my Stepmother! Those along with every other US military serviceman or woman retired or active duty are heroes! Let us not forget as we celebrate our Nation’s Freedom! Happy 4th to everyone!
Thank you all again for your thoughtfulness to me and my family during this time. It is truly appreciated.
Friday night he arrived back in the Sates in Bethesda, Maryland at the Naval Hospital. He is currently in ICU there, BUT he seems to be a good spirits. We are hoping soon he will be transferred to the 5th floor wing. He has had the best care in ICU, doctors nurses and volunteers have been very wonderful to him and our family. I got to see him Friday night for just a minute, he actually was sleeping so I just peeked in. Saturday he was in surgery for most of the morning and afternoon. I didn’t get to see him until about 8pm that night but my parents saw him when he came out of the OR, and believe it or not he wanted food, and Doctors say we need to pump as much calories in him as he can take, so his idea of that was a BLT from Arbys’ and a strawberry milk. When Dad got back to our house we are staying at (Marines provided a house on base that is only a 2 minute walk to the hospital, it is like a Ronald MCDonald House but it is called the Fisher House) he googled the closest Arby’s and went and got it. My sister Nadia, her fiancee Ryan, my son Joey, and Ray’s fiancĂ©e Sherry and myself went to visit him. Nadia and I fed him his BLT, he didn’t eat much but he did enjoy what he did eat. He was still very groggy from all the meds. Sometime in the middle of that night his right lung collapsed again so they had to reinsert a tube back in his chest. I went again to the hospital on Sunday morning while the rest of the family slept and went to church, I got to spend a few hours with him talking, holding his hand and wiping his forehead. He didn’t sleep much, and they kept dosing him with his meds. Monday morning he went back into surgery and was in there for awhile again. I came back to National Park for a few days, but got a call saying he was doing ok. SO as for now he is still in pain but they are taking wonderful care of him. Please continue to keep him and our family in your thoughts and prayers! Hopefully he soon will be out of ICU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will try to keep everyone posted, when I get any new news.